Saturday, 11 June 2011

Hal McLean

I've been very busy over the last two or three weeks as well as suffering from a nasty cold which my daughter kindly brought home from school and which turned into a kind of flu thing. As well as that I've been working on the publicity for The World's Creepiest Places - which is done and being proofread - as well as a new feature for New Page books which you'll see in their blogs very soon but I can say no more. And a new book on American Vampires which may well be forthcoming next year - we'll see. With all that and a lot more going on I haven't been talking to Adrian or David recently although I've been endeavouring to keep in contact with them by e-mail. Adrian's been in Poland recently so little more 1949 done but David has done another three pages of Joachim Darke for the blogsite, which many of you like, and we'll be posting these very soon. The response to Darke "The Spaniard's Bell" has been exceptional - this is an adventure which we did specially for the blog and it's different for the script we have for the comic which is "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and deals with Darke when he's back in England and is called to a village to root out a witch. But that's coming. Keep watching the blog. On the 1949 front Adrian and I are hoping to meet up at the end of the month and work out something for you. I have done another adventure in the 1949 series based around Hal McLean and we're thinking of turning into a Jeff Hawke-type strip which might be able to be downloaded. In this McLean goes to the Jupiter moons where he encounters something unusual which is not exactly an alien lifeform, or is it - but I'll leave you to decide. We';re also thinking about introducing you to Doc Lazarus. But as I said that's around the end of the month and then I'm off to Amsterdam around the beginning of July to take a break with my family. But there's plenty coming up so keep watching. This of course is the new House of Ideas and we've got plenty of them. See you soon

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